Cultivation of Cauliflower
Cultivation of Cauliflower Cauliflower ( Brassica oleracea Var. botrytis L) belongs to the family Cruciferae is an important winter-season vegetable
Read MoreCultivation of Cauliflower Cauliflower ( Brassica oleracea Var. botrytis L) belongs to the family Cruciferae is an important winter-season vegetable
Read MoreGarlic is one of the 20 most important vegetable crops of the world. One of the main causes for concern is India’s low garlic productivity. Numerous factors contribute to low yield, such as India’s short day length, subpar cultivation standards, climatic variations, a lack of high-quality, virus-free planting material, and regional low-yielding cultivars.
Read Morechillies are also used throughout the world as a spice in the making of beverages and medicines. Some varieties of chilies are famous for red color because of their pigment ‘capsanthin,’ while others are known for biting pungency attributed to pigment ‘capsaicin.’
Read MoreBrinjal is a warm climate day-neutral crop and is susceptible to frost. lower temperature causes the deformation of the brinjal fruits. A long-growing warm season with a temperature range of 21 degrees Celsius to 27 degrees
Read MoreThe tomato is a crucial vegetable crop for nutrition and revenue. Although they can be grown all year round, tomatoes are primarily grown in the summer.
Read MoreOkra crop duration ranges from 90-100 days and the ideal temperature for its growth ranges from 25 to 30 degrees Celsius
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