Saturday, February 22, 2025
Leafy VegetableVegetable Crops

Cultivation of Amaranth ( Chauli) In India; A Complete Information Guide

Cultivation of  Amaranth ( Chauli) In India ; A Complete Information Guide

Cultivation of  Amaranth ( Chauli) In India; A Complete Information Guide

Amaranth or Chauli ( Amaranthus sp.) belongs to the family Amaranthaceae. This crop is highly nutritive and very suitable for kitchen gardening as well as for commercial cultivation. Amaranths are one of the cheapest crops of tropical and subtropical regions.
 Amaranth is a tall and soft wooded, annuals, extensively grown throughout India for its green leaves and succulent stem. They are rich in protein, minerals, and Vitamin A & C. Yield of grain amaranth is comparable to Rice and wheat  There are several species of this crop:
(i) Amaranthus tricolor (Lal sag) 
(ii) Amaranthus bilitum (Shada nate) 
(iii) Amaranthus lividus 
iv) Amaranthus dobius 
(v) Amaranthus candatus 
(vi) Amaranthus mangostanus

Local Names of Amaranths;

Math- Marathi, Chhoti Chulai- Hindi, Cheera- Malayalam.

Nutritive Value of Amaranth or Chauli;

Nutritive Value of 100 g uncooked leaves of amaranth are given below;








2.5 g


0.3 g


20 mg


7 g


4 g




215 mg


50 mg


2.32 mg

Vitamin C

43.3 mg


611 mg

Vitamin A

2917 IU


55 mg

Medicinal Importance of Amaranth or Chauli

1. Amaranth Is Gluten-Free
2. Amaranth has More Protein Than Other Grains
3. Amaranth Provides Essential Lysine
4. Helps With Hair Loss And Greying
5. Lowers Cholesterol And Risk Of Cardiovascular Disease
6. It’s High In Calcium
7. Amaranth Is Full Of Antioxidants And Minerals
8. Works As An Appetite Suppressant
9. Improves Eyesight
10. Amaranth Is Easy To Digest

Soil & its Preparation for Amaranth Cultivation ;

It can be grown on all types of soil. But loamy soil is most suitable for its cultivation. A fine seedbed is necessary for this crop and this can be done by repeated ploughings.

Important Varieties of Amaranth;

The recommended varieties are Bad Chauli, Chhoti Chauli, Co.1, Konkan Durangi, Arka Arunima & Krishnashree

Sowing of Seed of Amaranth crop;

a) Time of Sowing. This crop is suitable for growing in summer as well as the rainy season. The seed is sown in December January for the summer crop and April-May for the rainy season crop. 

b) Spacing. The seeds of this crop is very small. The seed is sown broadcast in a row or in flatbeds after mixing them with fine soil for good distribution. 
The seedlings of Badi Chauli are transplanted after raising them in the nursery during the rainy season at a spacing of 45 cm from row to row and 30 cm from plant to plant. 
c) Seed Rate. About one-kilogram seed is required for sowing one acre. 

Manuring in Amaranth Crop;

The plants are top-dressed with Urea @ 10 kg/acre after 15-20 days of sowing and subsequent top dressings are done after each cutting. 

Aftercare of Amaranth Crop;

Weeding is done during the early stages of growth. Irrigation is given as and when needed.

Harvesting of Amaranth Crop ;

The crops become ready for harvesting about three to four weeks after sowing and subsequent cuttings may be done after 7 to 10 days. The plants are harvested by cutting them periodically. This crop rejuvenate quickly after each Cutting, 

The yield of Amaranth Crop ;

The yield of green leaves is 3600-4000 kg per acre and the yield of seed is 50 kg /acre.
 Explore Further;

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