Friday, February 21, 2025
Fodder Crops

Cultivation of cowpea for Fodder


Cowpea ((Vigna unguiculata) is a quick-growing leguminous forage crop usually grown mixed with cereal fodders and grasses to improve the nutritive value of the herbage. It is an excellent cover crop, which suppresses weeds and enriches the soil. Cowpeas can be grown under partial shade conditions. It can be grown in kharif as well in the Zaid season.

Cowpea fodder is very rich and nutritious fodder. It contains 20-24% crude protein, 43-49% neutral detergent fiber, 34-37% acid detergent fiber, 23-25% cellulose, and 5-6% hemicelluloses on a dry matter basis. The digestibility of cowpea fodder is above 70%. Cowpea can be grown under partially
shaded conditions. 

Uses of Cowpea fodder   ;

  • Fodder: Cowpea is a good source of protein and can be used as hay, silage, or grazing. It is a good feed for cattle, sheep, and milking cows. 
  • Green manure: Cowpea can be used as a green manure to improve soil nitrogen levels. 
  • Cover crop: Cowpea can suppress weeds and enrich the soil. 
  • Food: The seeds, pods, and leaves of cowpea can be eaten as food. 
Required Soil Conditions:

Cowpeas can be grown on a variety of soils. The plants prefer light soils. Loam and sandy loam soils with good drainage are conducive to good crop growth.

Varieties of Cowpeas;


Areas of cultivation

Green fodder (t/ha)


North India



North India


IFC-8503, EC-4216

North, west and central India



Whole country



Whole country



North-East region


GFC-1,2 & 3






UPC 618, UPC 622

North-west, North-east, and Hill


Field preparation ;

Two crosswise harrowings and plankings should prepare the field for a leveled and weed-free seedbed for quick germination and faster-initiated growth.

Seed & Sowing ;

Seed rate and sowing method: Sowing should be done in lines at an interrow spacing of 25-30 cm using a seed rate of 35-40 kg/ha.

The seed should be sown with a seed drill or behind the plough at 2-3 cm depth. After germination, a thinning operation may be performed to maintain an inter-row spacing of 5-8 cm between plants.
Sowing Time: Cowpea requires a warm climate with good atmospheric humidity. Its showing time extends from March to the middle of July. In irrigated areas, sowing can be done during the summer, while in rainfed areas, it can be done after the commencement of rains. In the southern region, cowpea crop sowing for fodder may be done throughout the year.

Nutrient management:

Cowpeas is a legume crop and can fix atmospheric nitrogen. However, for good growth, 20 kg N+60 kg P205/ha should be applied at the time of sowing for good crop growth.

In sulfur-deficient soil (below 10 ppm), 20–40 kg sulfur per hectare is recommended for quality fodder biomass.

Water management ; 

The summer-sown crop requires 6-7 irrigations at an 8-10-day interval. Normally the monsoon crop does not require irrigation except in case of long dry spells in which the crop should be irrigated at an interval of 10-12 days.

Weed management;

 In general, kharif crops are densely infested with weeds due to conductive wealth for growth. In cowpea, the weed problem is severe in the early stages. After 30 days the crops cover the area and the the problem is minimized.

Mechanical control: one manual weeding or hoeing with a weeder cum mulcher at the 3-week crop stage is effective to check weed growth.

Chemical Control: Pre-plant soil incorporation of trifluralin @ 0.75 kg a.i./ha has been found useful in arresting weed growth.

Harvesting & Threshing: 

The summer crop should be harvested after 70-75 days of sowing. The rainy season crop is harvested after 50-60 days of sowing at 50% flowering stage. Under the irrigated conditions, the cowpea crop yielded 25–30 t/ha green biomass. But under rainfed conditions, only yield levels are low, i.e., 15-20 t/ha.


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