Saturday, February 22, 2025
SpicesVegetable Crops

Cultivation of Fenugreek / Methi

Cultivation of Fenugreek / Methi

 Fenugreek / Methi belongs to the family Leguminosae. Major growing types of Fenugreek are – 

 a) Common methi. (Trigonella foenumgraecum  L )  

 b) Kasuri or Champa methi  (T. corniculata )
Fenugreek is used as a Leafy vegetable as well as a is an annual herb and the leaves and young pods are used as vegetables and the seed as condiments improve the flavor and nutritive value of food. India has a major contribution to Global fenugreek production. Rajasthan occupies more than 80% share of the total fenugreek production in the country other major growing states are UP, Chhattisgarh , Gujrat, and MP. It has also some medicinal value. It prevents constipation, removes indigestion, stimulates the spleen and liver, and is appetizing and diuretic. The leaves are quite rich in protein, minerals, and Vitamin C  

Nutritive value
The nutritive value of fenugreek in 100 gm of the edible portion is given below. 
Moisture – 86.1 gms, Protein – 4.4 gms, Fat- 0.9gms, Fibre -1.1 gms, Calories- 49, Magnesium – 67.0 mg , Phosphorus- 51.0 mg ,Sodium – 76.0 , Copper – 0.26 mg Chlorine -165.0 mg Thiamine 0.05 mg , Minerals -1.5 mg . Other Carbohydrates – 6 gm ,Calcium-360.0 mg , Oxalic acid – 13.0, Iron -17.2mg,
Potassium -31.0 mg , Sulphur -167.0 mg, Riboflavin- 0.15mg Nicotinic acid mg- 0.70 , Vitamin C -5 4.0 Vitamin A:6,450 I.U. 
Fenugreek is considered to be native of Eastern Europe and Ethiopia and is found growing wild in North-Western India.
Fenugreek is Cool Season Crop. It is fairly tolerant to frost.
common methi is growing and produces upright shoots whereas kasuri methi is slow growing initially and remains in a rosette condition during most of its vegetative period.
 Soil & its Preparation
Fenugreek can be grown on any type of soil, but loamy soils are best suited for its cultivation. The soil should be free from bad drainage.
The land should be prepared thoroughly. 
Varieties of Fenugreek/Methi


Developed By


Hisar Suvarna

HAU , Hissar

A quick growing, erect and tall, dual purpose, medium maturity (130-140days) , moderately resistant to percospora and powdery mildew.Wider adaptability,suitable for cultivation throughout the country Av. Yield 16 q/hac

Hisar Madhavi

HAU , Hissar

A quick growing, erect and tall, dual purpose, medium maturity (130-140days) , moderately resistant to powdery mildew and to downy mildew .A variety with under adaptability suitable for both irrigated and rainfed condition. Av. Yield  19 q/hac

Hisar Muktha


A quick growing seedtype variety, medium maturity (135-140days) , moderately resistant to powdery mildew and to downy mildew.Erect and tall plants.Wide adaptability.Suitable for both irrigated and rainfed condition . Av. Yield 20 q/hac

RMt 303


Medium maturity variety (145- 150 days) seeds bold ,with typical yellow colour ,less susceptible to powdery mildew Av. Yield  19 q/hac



First determinant type, multipodant, early maturing, wider adaptability, resistant to powdery mildew and rootknot nematodes .Seeds bold, attractive and yellow, duration 120-125 days. Av. Yield  13 q/hac

Guj Methi 1


The first variety from Gujarat released for the state.Plant dwarf. Av. Yield  18 q/hac

Pant Ragini

GBPU&T , Pantnagar

A dual purpose tall bushy type resistant to downy mildew and root rots, medium maturity. Seed contain 2-2.5% essential oil Av. Yield 12 q/hac

Rajendra kanti


Medium sized bushy plant; early maturity, suitable for intercropping in both kharif and rabi season, field tolerant to cercospora leaf spot, powdery mildew and aphids. Av. Yield 13 q/hac

CO -1


A quick growing, dual purpose , early maturing variety tolerant to root rot disease. Seeds contain 21.7% protein. Av. Yield 6 .8q/hac

CO 2


Short duration dual purpose variety , field tolerant to Rhizoctonia root rot disease, suitable for both kharif and rabi season.Early maturity,short duration. Av. Yield 4 q/hac

some other important varieties are Kasuri, Pusa Early Bunching type, Methi No-47, No-14, E.C.-4911 
Sowing of seeds
(a) Sowing time. Desi methi is sown from the middle of September to the middle of November for seed production and from the middle of September to the middle of March for green leaves, Kasuri methi is sown in the middle of December. The seed is generally sown by the broadcasting method.
(b) Seed rate. The seed rate is 10.0 kg per acre for common methi and 8 kg for Kasuri methi.
The recommended fertilizer dose is 30kg Nitrogen, 15 kg Phosphorous, and 15 kg potassium per acre All the phosphorous, Potassium, and half nitrogen is applied at the time of preparatory tillage Rest of the nitrogen must be applied @7.5 kg per acre at three weeks and six weeks after sowing
One or two weedings may be given during the early stages of growth. Soil should contain sufficient moisture. The first irrigation is given just after sowing and subsequent irrigations are given at seven to ten days interval.
The Kasuri methi and desi methi become ready for harvesting 25 to 30 days and 20 days after sowing respectively. The picking of leaves is done by nipping at the ground level and subsequent cuttings are done at an interval of 12 to 15 days. Sometimes after taking two to three cuttings, the plants are
Vegetable Crops of India left to produce seed or they have uprooted after 4 to 5 cuttings. The leaves, if allowed to over mature, may taste bitter. 
The yield of common methi is 2800 kg and Kasuri type is 3600-4000 kg per acre. 
Kasuri, Pusa Early Bunching type, Methi No-47, No-14, E.C.-4911 are the important varieties of methi.

One thought on “Cultivation of Fenugreek / Methi

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