Knol-Khol Cultivation in India

Khol-rabi (Brasica caulorapa L.), the German name for cabbage turnips/wild cabbage, resembles an above-ground turnip. It is also called knol-khol, which belongs to the family Cruciferae. The fleshy edible portion is an enlarged stem that develops above ground and is used as a vegetable. It is an excellent vegetable if used at its early stage before it becomes tough and fibrous. The edible portion is globular to a slightly flattened stem.
The knol-khol is a crop of Western Europe, and it was first described in the eighteenth century as the Cabbage of European origin.
It is cultivated in the states of Kashmir, West Bengal, Maharashtra, Assam, Uttar Pradesh, Punjab, and other regions of India
Nutritive Value of Knol-Khol;
The nutritive value of knol-khol per 100 gms of edible portion is given below
Serving Size: 100 g | Value |
Calories | 27 kcal |
Carbohydrate | 6.2 g |
Dietary Fiber | 3.6 g |
Protein | 1.7 |
Sodium | 20 mg |
Potassium | 350 mg |
Calcium | 24 mg |
Vitamin C | 22 mg |
Vitamin B6 | 16 mg |
Magnesium | 19 mg |
Climatic Requirement of Knol-Khol Crop;
Knol-khol is a cool-season crop and thrives well in relatively cool, moist climatic conditions. It can withstand extreme cold and frost better than other cool-season crops. Seeds of kno-khol germinate well at 15°C to 30°C
Soil and its preparation for Knol-Khol Crop;
Knol-khol is successfully grown on all types of soil. But the sandy-loam and clay-loam soils are suited for knol-khol crops.
The land should be well prepared and of good tilth for sowing of knol-khol. 5-6 ploughing should be given to prepare a good tilth. After ploughing, planking is essential to make soil pulverised and levelled. Harmful weeds this crop. and stubbles of the previous crop should be removed before the transplanting
Varieties of Knol-Khol;
Variety | Characterstics |
Sowing of Knol-Khol seed;
(a) Time of sowing. Knol-khol is propagated by seed. It can also be propagated by cuttings such as tip cutting and leaf cutting. The seeds are sown in lots from the end of August to the end of November for a continuous crop. The time of sowing of seeds varies according to the variety
Variety | Time of Nursery sowing | Time of Nursery Transplanting |
Early | August | September |
Normal | September | October |
Late | October | November |
(b) Seed rate. 400-600 gm of seed is sown in the nursery to cover one acre
(c) Transplanting; 3-4 weeks old seedlings become ready for transplanting. The seedling is transplanted at a distance of about 30 cm. from row to row and 20 cm. from plant to plant. Closer spacing of these vegetables increases the yield. After transplanting, the seedlings should be watered and protection may be given from the sunrays for 4-5 days
Manuring in Knol-Khol Crop;
One-acre knol-khol crop removes 40 kg nitrogen, 65 kg phosphorus, 32 kg potassium, and 24 kg calcium. Apply plant nutrients as follows:
(a) Compost or F.Y.M. 150-200 quintals per acre. It should be incorporated thoroughly into the soil one month before transplanting.
(b) Nitrogen, phosphorus, and potassium. 30 kg, 15 kg and 15 kg per acre, respectively. The entire amount of phosphorus, potassium, and half of nitrogen should be applied at the time of transplanting as a basal dressing, and the remaining half quantity of nitrogen should be applied after 25-30 days of transplanting as a top dressing.
Intercultural operation in Knol-Khol Crop;
Hoeing and weeding should be done after each irrigation when the soil comes in working condition. The plant should be earthen up after 25-30 days of transplantation.
Irrigation in Knol-Khol Crop;
As stated, the seedlings, after transplanting, should be watered for four to five days. Irrigation should be given at an interval of 6 to 7 days. But the field may be irrigated when the soil seems deficient in moisture.
Harvesting of Knol-Khol;
Knol-khol should be harvested when the swollen stem reaches a diameter of 5 to 7 cm and before it becomes tough and woody. The plants are pulled out from the land. It is generally marketed after removing both leaves and roots.
Yield of Knol-Khol;
The yield of knol-khol crop is 150-200 q/ha
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