Cultivation of Coccinia or Ivy Gourd in India ; A full Information Guide
Cultivation of Coccinia or Ivy Gourd in India; A full Information Guide
Health Benefits of Coccinia ;
Coccinia species are highly beneficial for human health because of their antioxidant and anti-inflammatory characteristics. Due to these characteristics, it is used in curing high blood pressure, diabetes, high cholesterol, and obesity.
Climatic Requirements for Coccinia Cultivation;
Soil & its Preparation for Coccinia Cultivation;
Coccinia can be grown on various types of soil ranging from sandy to heavy clay loam. But silt and loam, including clay loam are the most suitable soils for Coccinia. The ideal pH range for its cultivation is 6 to 6.5 The land is ploughed twice or three times and finally leveled before planting.
Varieties of Coccinia ;
Propagation of Coccinia Plant;
It is generally propagated vegetatively by vine cuttings of last season’s wood about 6 mm thick and about 30 cm long that are planted vertically at a depth of 6 cm deep with a spacing of 2 meters between the basin.
The best planting time is before the rainy season, ie June to July or February to March in spring season. A ratio of 10:1 female vs male plant population must be maintained in the Coccinia field. Although Coccinia is a perennial crop, the plant should be replanted once every three to four years.
Manuring in Coccinia Cultivation;
For each plant, at least 0.25 kg of ammonium sulphate and 0.125 kg of superphosphate should be applied. The mixture can be applied once in July and repeated in October, January, and in March in the basins.
Aftercare in Coccinia Cultivation ;
Weeding should be done when necessary, depending upon the intensity of weeds, but the soil in the ring should be stirred after one or two irrigation
Irrigation Requirements in Coccinia Cultivation ;
Harvesting of Coccinia Crop ;
The first picking of fruits starts about six months of planting. The tender fruits are picked in the early morning or evening. The fruits are available throughout the year. But the peak season for harvest is between April and November