Saturday, February 22, 2025
Vegetable Crops

Cultivation of Drumstick /Moringa ; The Tree of Life

Cultivation of Drumstick /Moringa ; The Tree of Life

  Drumstick (Moringa  pterygosperma )  commonly known as moringa tree or Horseradish tree  It is a Versatile crop. it is grown as an annual and perennial vegetable in our country. Drumstick plant can withstand very severe drought as well as mild frost conditions that is why it is widely cultivated across the world. Every part of the drumstick tree either has very high nutrition value or suitable for high commercial value hence it is also considered as a Miracle Tree The leaves of drumstick are a very rich source of several minerals, Vitamins, and essential phytochemicals The seeds of drumstick plant are natural coagulant which is used in water treatment.  it’s immature fruits, leaves, and flowers are used in culinary preparation. its leaves pounded with anardana and onion form tasty chutney. The leaves are rich in Vitamin A and Vitamin C and are considered useful in scurvy and catarrhal infection and also used as an emetic. Flowers are used as a tonic, diuretic and cholagogue Beside this drumstick oil is used as a lubricant to fine machinery

Medicinal Properties of Drum Stick Plant ;

Plant Parts

Pharmacy uses


Analgesic, Anti-spasmodic, Diuretic, Larvicidal, Antibacterial

Seeds Kernel

Anti-asthmatic,  Anti-inflammatory

Pods and Seeds



Anti-ulcer, Hyperthyroidism, Anti-diabetic, Anti-diabetic, Hypo-lipidemic, Anti-helminthic, Anti-oxidant, Hypocholesterolemic, Hepatoprotective, , Antifungal, Antibacterial, Anti-oxidant, Nutritional supplement, Antiatherosclerotic, Hypolipidemic


Analgesic and anti-convulsive, Antinociceptive, Antiinflammatory, Anti-cancer, Anti-inflammatory, Antiurolithiatic






Lactation enhancer

  Nutritive Value of Drum Stick Plants ;Cultivation of Drumstick /Moringa ; The Tree of Life

 Moringa nutrition profile,-drumstick pods and leaves, raw, values per 100 g. Percentages of daily-recommended values are marked in brackets. (Source: USDA National Nutrient database)


Nutrient value-Pods

Nutrient value-Leaves


37 Kcal (2%)

64 Kcal (3%)


8.53 g (6.5%)

8.28% (6%)


2.10 g (4%)

9.40 g (17%)

Total Fat

0.20 g (1%)

1.40% (7%)


0 mg (0%)

0 mg (0%)

Dietary Fiber

3.2 g (8%)

2.0 g (5%)



44 µg (11%)

40 µg (10%)


0.680 mg (4%)

2.220 mg (14%)


0.120 mg (9%)

1.200 mg (92%)


0.074 mg (6%)

0.660 mg (51%)


0.053 mg (4.5%)

0.257 mg (21.5%)

Vitamin A

74 IU (2.5%)

7564 IU (252%)

Vitamin C

141 mg (235%)

51.7 mg (86%)



42 mg (3%)

9 mg (0.5%)


461 mg (10%)

337 mg (7%)



30 mg (3%)

185 mg (18.5%)


0.36 mg (4.5%)

4.00 mg (50%)


45 mg (11%)

147 mg (37%)


50 mg (9%)

112 mg (20%)


8.2 µg (15%)

0.9 µg (1.5%)


0.45 mg (4%)

0.60 mg (5%)

Climate and soil Requirement for drum stick Cultivation;

1) Drum stick is a crop of dry arid regions it gives good performance when the temperature lies between 25-35-degree Celsius but it can tolerate temperature up to the 48-degree Celsius under the shade  

2) pH range of 6.3 to 7 is ideal for its cultivation 

3) Drumstick can be grown on any type of soil However it gives better performance in sandy loam soils rich in organic matter.  

4) High land is favorable for its cultivation. Water logging is detrimental to this crop.

5) Drum stick is susceptible to frost.

6) Shedding of flowers occurs when the temperature goes beyond 40 degrees Celsius

Important Varieties of Drumstick ;



KM-1 (Kudumianmalai 1)

It is a bushy variety propagated through seeds.

 Plants come to bear 6 months after planting and can be rationed for 2-3 years.

Productivity 400-500 fruits / year.

Developed at Anna Pannai, Kudumianmalai of Pudukottai.

PKM – 1

PKM-1 is a “seed moringa”, propagated through seeds

Developed at Horticultural Research Station, TNAU,


Plants grow to a height of 4-6 m and come to flower in 90-100 days after planting.

The first harvest starts 160-170 days after planting

an average each tree bears 200-225 fruits / year.

 Pods are 65-70 cm long with 6.3 cm girth and 150 g weight. Fruits are green coloured and highly pulpy

PKM- 2

This “seed moringa”, propagated through seeds, is also developed at Horticultural Research Station, TNAU, Periyakulam. Pods are extra long (125-130 cm), pulpy and suitable for homestreads.


This is also an annual drumstick propgated

through seeds and is evolved at KRC College of

agriculture, UAS, Arabhavi, Karnataka.



Propagation of Drum Stick ;

The drumstick can be propagated by seeds or vegetatively by limb cutting. Vegetative propagation is generally followed. it is propagated by limb cutting of one to two meters long and about 15 to 20 cm diameter. The cuttings are planted in a pit of 60 cm cube at a spacing of about three to five meters preferably in the month of June to August. The annual crop of drum sticks is propagated through seeds @650 gms. per hectare. Sow the two seeds at the depth of 2 to 2.5 cm in polythene or pits and after one month they are transplanted to the main field.

Land Preparation for Drumstick /Moringa cultivation ;

Thoroughly plough the field up to 3 to 4 times Prepare the pits of the size of  45X45X45 cms. At the spacing of 6X6 meters for the perennial crop and 2.5X 2.5 meters for the annually grown crop Fill the pits with FYM @ 10 per pit

Manuring in Drumstick /Moringa Crop

Manuring of drumsticks is rarely practiced. But the application of urea, Superphosphate, and Muriate of Potash @ 100 gm each per plant gave a higher yield.

Aftercare in  Drumstick /Moringa Crop

Gap filling should be done  within the 30 days of sowing The tree basin may be cleared of weeds once in a year and slight hoeing of the soil under the trees will be beneficial Irrigation may be given as and when is needed. Pruning is beneficial for the new growth on which fruits will be produced in plenty. Pruning should be done when the plant attains a height of up to75 cms. Many short duration crops like Okra, cowpea, tomato can be grown as an intercrop

Harvesting of Drumstick /Moringa Crop

The fruits are harvested as per the demand of this crop before they become mature and fibrous. An average yield of the crop is 45-50 tones/hac (200-225 pods/tree/year )

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