Saturday, February 22, 2025
Vegetable Crops

Elephant Foot Yam Cultivation in India; A complete information Guide

Elephant Foot Yam Cultivation in India ; A complete information Guide

Elephant Foot  Yam Cultivation in India: A Complete Information Guide

Elephant Foot (Amorphophallus campanulatus Blume.) belongs to the family Araceae. Elephant foot is an economical crop. It is cultivated for its corm and is used as a vegetable. In action, it is stomachic and tonic, used in piles and given as a restorative in dyspepsia and debility, etc. Its root is used in boils and ophthalmia and also as an emmenagogue.

The elephant foot or yam originated in India and is grown for its tuber, which can be stored for a long period 

Other Local names of Elephant Foot Yam; 

It is also known as – Suran, Zimikand (UP), Betema(Tripura), Chena( kerala) ,OaI ( W. Bengal) ,Oluo (Odisha)

Nutritive Value of Elephant Foot Yam ;

The nutritive value of elephant foot in 100 g is given below 






78.7 g


1.2 g


0.1 g


0.87 g


0.8 g


18.4 g




50 mg


34 mg


0.6 mg

Vitamin A

434 IU


0.06 mg


0.07 mg

Nicotinic acid

0.70 mg

Health Benefits of Elephant Root Yam;

1) The cooling effect of the yam can cure hypertension.

2) The yam may help reduce cholesterol levels.
3) It can serve as an anticoagulant (blood thinner) to improve
blood flow.

4) Elephant foot yam may even help maintain hormonal balance in women by increasing estrogen levels and relieving them of pre-menstrual syndrome.

5) The presence of Vitamin C can help delay aging.
6) Elephant foot yam may also benefit patients who suffer from
acute rheumatism.
7) Irregular bowel movements and constipation may be cured by consuming elephant foot yam.
8) It may help reduce muscle spasms.
Elephant Foot Yam Cultivation in India ; A complete information Guide

 Climate Requirement for elephant root or yam cultivation;

Elephant foot or Yam is a tropical and subtropical crop. It requires warm and humid weather for vegetative growth and cool and dry weather for the development of the corms. It is grown as seasonal annuals, although perennial by nature. 

Soil and its preparation for Elephant Foot Yam ;

Light soils with a pH range of 5.5-7 are most suitable for its cultivation. The soils must be free from bad drainage. The land is prepared by giving 5 to 6 ploughings.

Important Varieties of Elephant Foot Yam ;

There are two distinct types of corms, such as:

(i) One has smooth corms and is propagated by cutting the corms into pieces. The variety irritates the throat when eaten. But it is grown because of its heavier yield and lower price of seed.
(ii) The other type has daughter corms growing on the parent corm, is much superior to the former type in edible quality, and is almost non-irritating if cooked properly. Its seed is more expensive and its yield is less, but the product fetches a better price in the market.
Sree Padma and Gagendra are the most popular improved varieties

Sowing of the seed of Elephant Foot Yam;

(a) Sowing time. Elephant foot is sown from the middle of February to the middle of June. The best time for sowing this crop is the middle of May to the middle of June.
(b) Seed rate. The seed rate is 20.00 to 25.00 kg per acre.

(c) Method of Sowing. It is propagated from small tuber outgrowths called ‘Buds” and cut pieces of improved variety. The corms should be treated with Amisan-6, Bagallol-6, or Dithane M-45. The corms are planted at a spacing of 45 x 90 cm.
The pieces are planted in such a way that the sprouting region (the ring) is kept above the soil. Seed corm weighing 0.5 to 1.0 kg has been assessed as optimum and economical for use as planting materials. The Sprouting takes place in about a month.

Manuring in Elephant Foot Yam

Apply 5-6 tonnes of FYM at the time of the last ploughing and apply 40 kg Nitrogen, 60 kg Phosphoric acid, and 50 kg Potassium per acre at 45 days after the sowing and after one month top-dressed with N; K in the ratio of 40:50  significantly increased the yield of corm  

Intercultural operations in Elephant foot yam 

Two or three hoeings should be given to control the weeds and to make the soil loose. Plants are earthed up three months after sowing. 

Irrigation in Elephant Foot Yam

The crop is irrigated well during the summer season. No irrigation is needed during the rainy season. 

Harvesting of Elephant Foot Yam

The crop is harvested when the top starts withering in October to November and it is done by digging the corms individually with a spade. 

The yield of Elephant Foot Yam ;

The yield is about 12,000 to 16,000 kg per acre. its average yield per hectare is about seven times the weight of corms planted. 

Further, Read; 

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