Friday, February 7, 2025
Vegetable Crops

Cultivation of Bottle Gourd ( Lauki )

Cultivation of Bottle Gourd ( Lauki )

Bottle gourd (Lagenaria siceraria ) belongs to the Cucurbitaceae family and it is a very important crop in India. The fruits in the green stage and leaves with stem are used as vegetables. The hard shell of the fruit is used for different purposes.
Bottle gourd has originated from Africa. It has spread from Africa to other warm countries.

Common Names of Bottle Gourds ;

Abu (Sanskrit); lauki or ghia (Hindi); dudhi or tumbadi (Gujarati); sorakkai (Tamil); chorakkaurdu (Malayalam); and ghiya (Urdu)

Climate ;
A hot and moist climate is favorable for its cultivation. It can not withstand frost. The plant can tolerate low temperature but under the extremely cold conditions, its growth retarded and frost may kill the bottle gourd plant.
Soil & its preparation
Bottle gourd can be grown in any type of soil. But sandy loam soils are best suited for its cultivation. The suitable pH range for this crop lies between the 6 -7 but some of the varieties may tolerate alkaline condition up the 8.
The land should be prepared thoroughly by five to six ploughings. 

Varieties of Bottle Gourd ;


Developed by


Arka Bahar

IIHR Banglore

Fruits straight without crookneck medium-sized each weighing 1.0 kg at marketable stage, fruit light green, and shining, yield 40-50 t/ha. 

Pusa Naveen

IARI, New Delhi

Fruits cylindrical, straight and free from the crooked neck. The average weight of 550 g. 

Pusa Summer- Prolific Long (PSPL) 

 IARI, New Delhi

Long fruits having a length of 40-50 cm 

Pusa Summer –Prolific Round (PSPR) 

 IARI, New Delhi

Round fruits having a diameter of 15-18 cm.

Pusa Sandesh

 IARI, New Delhi

Round green medium-sized fruits weighing 600g. Early variety ready for picking in 55-60 days.Yield 29-32 t/ha. 

Pusa Meghdoot

 IARI, New Delhi

F1 hybrid between PSPL and Sel.2 Fruits long and light green. 

Pusa Manjari

 IARI, New Delhi

F1 hybrid between PSPR and Sel.11. Fruits round and light green, round and light green.

Pusa Hybrid 3

 IARI, New Delhi

F1 hybrid having green and slightly, club-shaped fruits without neck. Yield 42.5 t/ha. 

Narendra Rashmi

NDAU&T, Faizabad, UP.


Moderately tolerant to pumpkin beetle, powdery mildew and downy mildew. Fruits bottle-shaped having shallow neck, average weight 1.0 kg.Yield 30 t/ha. 

Pusa Komal

PAU, Ludhiyana

Fruits medium size with an oblong shape and light green skin. Tolerant to CMV, early harvest (70DAS), potential yield 40 t/ha. 

Punjab Round


Fruits round, light green and shining. Yield 15.5 t/ha. 

Kalyanpur  Long Green 



Fruits long with tapering with some what pointed blossom end, yield 30 t/ha in 120 days. 

Azad Nutan

NDAU , Faizabad

Early variety with long neck free fruits weighing 1.5 kg. 


MPAU, Rahuri

Samrat Fruits cylindrical without crookneck, greenish-white, 30-40 cm long weighing 700-800 g, yield 43 t/ha. 

Pant Sankar Lauki – 1



This F1 hybrid has medium long fruits. Released by Central Variety Release Committee (CVRC) in 1999.



TNAU, Coimbatore 


Pale green colored and bottle-shaped fruits with a narrow neck and round bottom. Yield 25- 30 t/ha. 

Sowing of seeds
(a) Time of sowing. The seed is sown from January to the end of February for the summer crop, June-July for the rainy season crop in the plains, and April in the hills.
(b) Seed rate. The seed rate is 1.6 to 2.0 kg per acre.
(c) Method of sowing. The seed is sown by a dibbling method at a spacing of 1.5 metres x 0.75 cm. Generally, three to four seeds are sown in a pit at 2.5 to 3.0 cm. depth.
Bottle Gaurd required about 24 kg of Nitrogen, 12 kg of Phosphoric acid, and 12 kg of Potassium per acre. The recommended application of 400 kg of N.P. & K Mixture (5:10: 10) over a basal application of 4 to 6 tonnes of F.Y.M. or compost per acre.
Intercultural operations
Two to three hoeing is given to keep down the weeds during the early stages of growth. The rainy season crop is usually stalked, often trained on a bower made of bamboos and sticks
The summer crop requires frequent irrigation at an interval of 4 to 5 days. The winter crop is irrigated as and when needed.
The fruits should be harvested when they are still green. Delay in harvesting causes the fruits to become unfit for marketing.
The average yield is 6,000 to 8,000 kg per acre.

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