Sorghum ((Sorghum bicolor L) or Jwoar Cultivation in India
Sorghum ((Sorghum bicolor L) or Jwoar Cultivation in India
Vernacular Names of Sorghum or Jwoar;
Marathi; Jwari
Tamil; Cholam
Kannada; Jola
Telugu; Jonnanlu
Other common names are; Durra, Egyptian Millet, Feterita, Guinea Corn, Milo, Shallu, Sudan grass,Gaoliang, Great millet, Kafir Corn, Dura, Dari, Mtama, and Solam
7) Sorghum grain is eaten by human beings in India either by breaking the grain and cooking it in the same way as rice or by grinding it into flour and preparing ‘chapaties’.
Nutritive Value of Sorghum;
Component |
Values |
Component |
Values |
Protein |
11 g |
Calories |
329 kcal |
Carbohydrates |
72 g |
Sugar |
2.5 g |
Fiber |
6.7 g |
Calcium |
13 mg |
Fat |
3.5 g |
Iron |
3.36 mg |
Calories |
329 Kcal |
Potassium |
363 mg |
Classification of Sorghum or Jowar
The system partitions the variations in Sorghum bicolor (Linn) Moench into the following races:
(a) Basic Races
1. bicolor, 2. guinea, J. candatum, 4. kafir, 5. durra.
(b) Hybrid Races
I. guinea bicolor, 2. caudatumbicolor. 3. kafir-bicolor, 4. durrabicolor, 5. ruined caudatum, 6. Ruinea kafir. 7. guinea durra, 8. kafir datum. 9. lurra caudatum, 10. kafir-durra.
The above 15 races of cultivated sorghum can be identified by mature spikelets alone although the head type is sometimes helpful. The classification is based on five fundamental spikelet types – bicolor, guinea, caudatum kafir, and dura
Climatic Requirements for Sorghum or Jowar Cultivation;
1) Sorghum requires a warm climate but can be grown under a wide range of conditions.
7) It is grown as a Kharif crop in northern India. In the western and southern parts of the country, it is grown also as a Rabi crop. 8) The minimum temperature for the germination of sorghum seeds is 7-10°C. It needs about 26-30°C temperature for its optimum growth.
Soils Requirements for Sorghum or Jowar Cultivation;
1) Sorghum is grown in a variety of soils in India. Soils with clay loam or loam texture, having good water retention capacity are best suited for sorghum cultivation.
Important Varieties of Sorghum or Jowar;
S. No |
Hybrid |
Recommended for the states of |
Remarks |
Hybrids |
1 |
CSH 26 |
Maharashtra, Karnataka, MP, South Gujarat, and north AP & TN |
Kharif Hybrid, 205 cm ht, White midrib color, semi-erect leaves, semi-compact panicle. Tolerant to Charcoal rot, Ergot, Rust, shoot fly, aphids and stem borer. |
2 |
CSH 27 |
Rajasthan, North Gujarat, UP, AP and Tamil Nadu |
Kharif Hybrid, 205 cm ht, Tan plant color with a cylindrical semi compact panicle and white bold elliptical seed. Medium maturity group. Tolerant to grain mould disease under natural conditions |
3 |
CSH 28 |
Maharashtra , Karnataka, MP, South Gujarat, and north AP (Zone II) |
Kharif Hybrid, 203 cms, medium tall, Medium Maturity, Long bold panicle, bold grains, tolerant to shoot fly and grain mold. High grain and fodder yields, high response to nitrogen fertilizer. |
4 |
CSH 29 |
Maharashtra , Karnataka, MP, South Gujarat, and north AP (Zone II) |
Kharif Hybrid, 220 Cm tall, White midrib colour, semi- erect leaves, semi- compact panicle, lustrous grain, Medium maturity, Resistant to foliar diseases, moderately resistant to grain mold. |
5 |
CSH 30 |
Maharashtra, Karnataka, MP, South Gujarat, North AP under rainfed Kharif cultivation |
Resistant to lodging. Non-shattering. Tan, 216 cm tall, plant color with symmetric semi- compact panicle and white bold elliptical seed. |
6 |
CSH 31R |
All rabi sorghum growing states of India |
Rabi hybrid with high grain yield and fodder yield. Tolerant to drought. |
7 |
CSH 32 |
Maharashtra , Karnataka, MP, South Gujarat, and north AP |
Kharif hybrid, 221 cm tall, White midrib colour, semi erect leaves, semi compact panicle, Tolerant to Charcoal rot, Ergot, Rust, shoot fly, aphids and stem borer. Non-lodging, & non-shattering, highly responsive for Deep soils. |
8 |
CSH 33 |
Rajasthan, UP, North Gujarat, South Andhra Pradesh & TN |
Kharif hybrid, 185 cm, early maturity, well exerted compact panicle, medium bold grain, Non-lodging, & non shattering tolerant to major pests and diseases. |
9 |
CSH 34 |
Maharashtra , Karnataka, MP, AP, Chattisgarh Gujarat, and Rajasthan |
Kharif hybrid, 210 cm tall, medium maturity, ear head – semi compact,, awn less, long bulging panicle, board in upper part to symmetrical in shape, white medium length stigma, creamy white medium bold grain, resistant to downy mildew, under natural conditions escapes grainmold due to little bit more maturity duration. |
10 |
CSH 35 |
Maharashtra , Karnataka, MP, South Gujarat, and Telangana |
Kharif hybrid, 215 cm tall, medium maturity, ear head – semi compact, oblong with tapering apex; internodes covered by leaf sheath, dull green mid rib, non-lodging non shattering, moderately tolerant to major pests and diseases. |
Varieties |
1 |
CSV 24SS |
All sorghum growing areas of India. |
Sweet sorghum variety |
2 |
CSV 26 R |
Rabi season. Under shallow soil conditions of rabi sorghum growing areas of India. |
Medium tall (183 cm) semi compact ear head, pearly white, lustrous seed, tolerant to charcoal rot shoot fly, stem borer, shoot bug and sugarcane aphid And tolerant to terminal drought |
3 |
CSV 27 |
All sorghum growing areas of India. |
Dual purpose kharif variety resistance to grain moulds non-lodging & non-shattering |
4 |
CSV 29R |
Rabi sorghum growing areas of Maharashtra, Karnataka and Andhra Pradesh under Deep black soils |
Tall (210 cm), semi compact cylindrical ear head, pearly white, lustrous seed, tolerant to charcoal rot, shoot fly, stem borer,shoot bug and sugarcane aphid. |
5 |
CSV 30F |
All forage sorghum growing areas of India. |
Forage Sorghum, Goose neck tendency of panicle observed sometimes due to environmental fluctuations |
6 |
CSV 31 |
Under rainfed conditions in Kharif season in Andhra Pradesh, Tamil Nadu, Rajasthan and Gujarat |
Kharif variety, 210-250 cm tall, juicy stem, white colour mid-rib, waxy bloom, seni-compact symmetric panicle, pearly white seed and grey yellow endospem, tolerant to grain mold and resistant to anthracnose and leaf blight. |
7 |
CSV 32F |
All forage sorghum growing areas of Maharashtra, Tamilnadu and Karnataka (Zone II) |
Forage Sorghum |
8 |
CSV 33MF |
All forage sorghum growing states (Zone-1&II) |
Forage Sorghum, Tall, thin stem, high tillering , first cut after 62 days subsequent cut after 50 days, 1039 q/ha green fodder yield, 280 q/ha dry fodder yield resistant to leaf blight, anthracnose |
Rotations and Mixed Cropping
North – India |
South – India |
Jowar- Wheat |
Jowar – Cotton |
Jowar-Wheat- Cheena |
Jowar – Jowar( Rabi) |
Jowar-Wheat-Moong |
Jowar – Tobacco |
Jowar-Pea |
Ground Nut – Jowar(Rabi) |
Jowar- Gram |
Jowar-Wheat-Lobia |
Jowar – Cotton – Groundnut |
Jowar-Potato – Wheat |
Field Preparation for Sorghum or Jowar Cultivation;
1) Sorghum seed should be drilled in a well-prepared seedbed free from weeds.
Seed and Sowing of Sorghum or Jowar Crop;
The seed should be purchased from a reliable source. Always use certified seed. If the seed is not already treated, treat it with Thiram or Agrosan G.N. at the rate of 3 g per kg seed. In the case of hybrids use a new hybrid seed every year.
(1) Seed Rate and Spacing
(2) Method of Sowing
Northern India jowar is sown either by broadcasting or in rows
behind the plough. Seeds of new hybrids and varieties should be sown in lines for obtaining higher yields. Sowing in rows is common in black cotton soil.
(3) Time of Sowing;
In India sorghum is grown in the following three seasons
1) Mid-January-Mid-February In northern India sorghum is sown only in Kharif season.
5) Rabi sowing is done mainly in Maharashtra, Karnataka, and Andhra Pradesh.
6) Summer crop of sorghum is sown in the month of January and February in irrigated areas of Tamil Nadu, Andhra Pradesh, and some areas of Karnataka.
Manures and Fertilizers Requirement in sorghum or Jowar Cultivation ;
![]() |
Sorghum Crop at Flowering Stage |
1) Sorghum requires heavy doses of fertilizers because it removes nutrients in a heavy amount from the soil.
5) The quantity of fertilizers to be applied varies according to the fertility status of the soil. However, when soil test data are not available, apply 100-120 kg nitrogen, 50 kg P205, and 40 kg K20 per hectare for hybrids and improved varieties of sorghum
10) The remaining hall quantity of nitrogen should be top-dressed after 30 – 35 days of sowing.
Nitrogen; Tips of lower leaves are first to show yellowing. If nitrogen deficiency persists the yellowing will follow up the leaf midrib in a typical ‘V’ shaped pattern After some time the entire leaf turns yellow, it dies and dries up.
Phosphorus; Plants show stunted growth and leaf tip and leaf margins turn dark to light purple in color.
Potash; The marginal discoloration along the edges of older leaves Continues from top to the base of the leaf. In severe cases, the marginal discolored area becomes dry and scorched. Eventually leaf edges and top dry leaving small areas at the bases and midrib alive and green
Iron; Sorghum is most sensitive to iron deficiency. Iron chlorosis can be identified by interveinal chlorosis which extends to the full length of leaves.
Zinc; Broadband of bleached tissue on each side of the midrib. The midrib and leaf margin remain green. Stunted growth and short internodes.
1) Thinning is a very important operation in sorghum cultivation for maintaining desired plant population.
Water Management in Sorghum or Jowar Crop;
1) Usually, sorghum is grown as a rainfed crop.
Weed Control in Sorghum or Jowar Crop;
1) During Kharif season both grassy and broad-leaved weeds grow with sorghum crops.
Echinochloa crusgulli (sawan), Dactyloctenium argypricum (makra), Elusine indica (kodo). Setaria glauca (bandrabapdri) Cyperus rotundus (Motha). Sorghum halepanse (banchari), Cynodon dactylon (doob) and Phragmatite kurka (narkul).
Diseases and Pest Management in Sorghum or Jwoar Crop;
a) Disease Management in Sorghum or Jwoar;
Sorghum crop suffers from a number of diseases resulting in a considerable loss in yield. Symptoms of important diseases and their suitable control measures are given below:
a) Seed Decay and Seedling Blight;
The seeds that may look apparently healthy usually harbor several fungi, either inside or on the surface. These fungi not only decrease germination but also cause different types of seedling blights. The fungi of the seed or surrounding soil may attack the shoot and root causing the death of seedlings. In some cases, seedlings are infected at the collar region and near the roots, turning these parts dark brown and thereby causing wilting and eventually death.
These diseases can be controlled by treating the seed with Thiram, Agrosan G.N. at the rate of 2 g per kg of seed.
b) Downy Mildew;
On the young leaves downy whitish growth, mostly on the lower surface with yellowing on the corresponding upper surface is seen. Such leaves become shredded in due course. If the infection takes place during the early stages of plant growth, the plants become severely stunted and ears do not form.
Control Measures;
c) Leaf Rust;
This disease is caused by Puccinia purpurea. It is more common in southern parts of India than in the northern parts. The intensity of infection is high in warmer regions with higher relative humidity Rust may appear at any stage but it is more severe after the flag leaf stage. The infection starts on the lower leaves, especially towards margins and tips. Postules are formed mainly on the lower surface. Reddish or purplish discoloration around the pustules is prominently seen. Due to the production of rust spores, a light brown dust-like coating is seen on the infected leaves
Control Measures;
1) The disease is controlled by two sprayings of Dithane Z-78 at the rate of 0.2 % at 10-15 days intervals
d) Anthracnose ;
It is caused by Colletotrichum graminicola. It affects seedlings as well as matured plants. Small red-purple or brown spots with whitish or purple centers occur on lower leaves. Later, black dot-like fungal fruiting bodies (acervuli) appear in the center of the spot.
Control Measures;
intervals at 30, 45, and 60 days after planting.
e) Leaf Blight;
It is caused by Helminthosporium turcicum. The pathogen is known to cause seed rot and seedling blight of sorghum.
Control Measures;
Same as described for Anthracnose disease.
f) Zonate Leaf Spot;
This disease is caused by Gleocercospora sorghi. The disease is quite severe in the northern and central parts of the country. The spots first appear as small red to brown water-soaked lesions. Later such spots become dark-colored and form large zonate semi-circular or irregular lesions extending across the leaf blade.
Control Measures;
g) Grey or Cercospora Leaf Spot;
Control Measures;
Spraying with Zineb at the rate of 0.2 percent has given satisfactory control of this disease. Three sprays after 30, 45, and 60 days of planting may be sufficient
h) Grain Smut;
This disease is caused by Sphacelotheca sorghi. The disease is quite destructive but can be controlled easily. Symptoms become visible at the time of grain formation in the car. Smut sori are formed in place of healthy grains and are scattered on the ears. They are generally larger than the normal grains.
Control Measures;
The disease can be completely controlled by seed treatment with Agrosan G.N. (0.2 percent) or Thiram slurry (0.1 percent).
I) Loose Smut;
It is caused by Sphacelotheca cruenta. The affected plants are stunted. produce thinner stalks, more tillers, and flowers earlier than healthy plants. All spikelets of an infected ear are malformed and hypertrophied. The affected car appears like a mass of leafy or leathery structures.
Control Measures;
Control measures of this disease are the same as for grain smut.
j) Ear Moulds;
Several fungi can grow on developing ears of sorghum when the grain setting coincides with rains or excessive humidity. The infection is more severe on grains if damaged by the head bug. The infected seeds lose their market value and show poor germination.
b) Insect Pests Management;
Sorghum crop is subject to attack by a number of insect pests. A brief description of the major ones, their nature of the damage, and appropriate control measures are as under:
a) Sorghum Shoot Fly
It is a major pest of sorghum, attacking in the early seedling stage of plant growth. Plants up to three weeks of age are more susceptible to this pest. The fly lays oval white eggs on the lower surface of the leaves, stem, or soil near the base of plants. Within two days or so, the eggs hatch, and the tiny maggots creep down under the leaf sheaths and cut the central growing point of the plant which results in the dead heart’. The pest is so serious that sometimes re-sowing may be required.
Control Measures;
In areas where it is serious, use Thimet 10 G at the rate of 20 kg per hectare or Disyston 5 G or Furadan 3 G at the rate of 25 kg per hectare or Temik 10 G at the rate of 20 kg per hectare in furrows or as broadcast before sowing
If the above chemicals are not applied at the time of sowing, spray the crop with 0.025 percent Metasystox a week after germination and repeat the spraying after 15 days.
b) Stem Borer ;
This pest attacks sorghum crops throughout the growing season. In an early stage of the crop, larvae bore inside the tender stem and feed on the tissues resulting in the death of the growing point which is commonly known as the ‘dead heart’. Grown-up plants are not killed but suffer in vigor, and develop weak heads. It causes damage up to 80 percent. The caterpillars that feed on tender parts of the plant are cylindrical and yellowish-brown when fully grown and are about 2.5 centimeters long.
Control Measures;
Use a higher seed rate and pull all the affected plants in an early stage of the crop. Spray the crop with 0.1 percent Thiodan 35 EC or 0.2 percent Sevin 50 WP after 15 days of germination followed by the application of the Thiodan 4 G or Sevin 4 G granules in the whorl of the plants at the rate of 15 kg per hectare just after a fortnight of spraying.
c) Pink Borer;
The adult is stout, straw-colored with faint forewings. A fully grown caterpillar is 2.5 centimeters in length and pink in color on the dorsum while its ventrum is white. Caterpillars bore into the stem or shoot. The dead heart is formed in the early stage of the crop.
Control Measures;
Spray 0.1 percent Thiodan 35 EC or 0.2 percent Carbaryl 15 to 20 days after germination. Repeat the spraying, if necessary.
d) Sorghum Midge;
It is one of the most widely distributed and important pests of sorghum. The fly lays its eggs in the flowers and the larvae develop on their ovary Which shrivels fail to bear grains in the spikelet Due to its infestation grain fails to develop and in cases of severe attack the whole head may be damaged resulting in a significant loss in the production of Sorghum Control Measures;
e) Leaf Roller ;
The caterpillar is slender yellowish green warm but is pinkish when fully Red Eggs are laid by the female moth on the tip of the leaf Caterpillar after hatching moves about and folds or rolls up the leaf hy bringing the two margins closely with the help of silken thread and hides and feeds inside this roll. Due to this the feeding leaf becomes white papery in appearance
Control Measures
f) Sorghum Ear Head Bug
Both adults, as well as nymphs, suck the milky juice of the developing grains due to which the grains remain chalky or shriveled. When a large number of nymphs feed, the whole earhead may become blackened at first and may eventually dry up, producing no grains.
Control Measures
(a) Remove all the plants of wild sorghum in the surroundings. (b) Dust the crop with 5 per cent Lindane, Carharyl, or Malathion dust at the rate of 20 kg per hectare.
g) Hairy Caterpillar;
There are about seven species of hairy caterpillars which feed on sorghum. They are all polyphagous and feed on different crops and wild weeds. They are called hairy caterpillar because they have profuse hairy growth on their body. The adults emerge after good monsoon showers and the females after mating lay eggs in clusters on the leaves of wild as well as cultivated plants. These eggs hatch within three to four days. The tiny larvae feed gregariously on the same plant for some days and then migrate to other plants and feed on the leaves plays Leaving only their veins
Control Measures
(a) Egg masses should be collected and destroyed.
Harvesting and Threshing;
1) Most of the high-yielding sorghum hybrids and varieties take about 100-115 days to mature.
7) Threshing is done with the help of threshers or by beating the earheads with sticks or trampling bullocks.
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