Units of Agricultural Measurements – Which Are Most Commonly Used in India
Units of Agricultural Measurements Which Are Most commonly Used in India
1) Land measurement;
A) Globally accepted land measurement units
Square feet (sq ft) It is the most commonly used unit of measurement in countries like India, the US, Canada & the UK.
1 sq foot = 0.990304 sq meters
1 sq foot = 0.990304 sq meters
Square Yard = Used in USA , Canada, & the UK
1Square Yard = 0.91 meters
1 Square yard = 9 feet
1 Acre = 4840 square yards
B) Land and its measurement in India ;
I Bigha = 20 katha
1 Bigha = 33 cent (40 cent in some area)
1 Acre = 3 bigha or 2.5 bigha
1 Acre = 100 cent or 43560 Sq ft, or 0.40 ha
1 Hectare = 2.471 acre or 10,000 sq. metre.
C) Land Measurement units used in North- East India
Dhur; Unit of measurements is used in Tripura, Jharkhand, Bihar & UP
Dhur = 36 Sq ft ( Bihar & Jharkhand )
1Dhur = 68 Sq ft ( Assam, W.Bengal, MP)
1 Kattha =2880 sq ft ( Assam )
1 Kattha = 720 Sq ft ( west Bengal )
1 Kattha =1361 sq ft ( Bihar )
1 Kattha = 20 Dhur ( Bihar )
1Chatak = 180 sq ft ( West Bengal )
1 Lecha = 144 sq ft ( Assam)
D) Land Measurement units used in North India
Bigha = Used in Bihar, Punjab, Haryana, UP, MP, Assam, West Bengal, Himachal Pradesh, Uttrakhand the values vary not only between the state but it may vary with in-state also.
Biswa = Used in UP,Punjab , Haryana , HP & UK
1Biswa = it varies between 50 to 150 sq yards
Biswani = Used in UP,Punjab , Haryana , HP & UK
1 Biswani = 20 Biswa
Killa = Used in Punjab and Haryana
1 Killa = 1 acre of land
Kanal = Used in used in J & K, Punjab , Haryana, HP
8 Kanal = 1 acre of land
Ghumao = Used in used in Punjab, Haryana , HP
1 Ghumao = 1 acre of land
Marla = used in Punjab and Haryana
1 Marla = 272.25 square ft
E) Land Measurement units used in South India
Ankanam = Used in AP and Karnatka
1 Ankanam = 72 Sq ft
Guntha = Used in AP , Mahrashtra ,karnataka
1 Ghunta = 1089 sq ft
Kuncham = Used in AP
1 Kuncham = 484 sq ft
Ground = Used in Tamil Nadu
1Ground = 2400 sq fts
Cent = used in Kerla , karnatka , Tamil Nadu
1 Cent = 435.6 sq fts
2) Weight: its units and conversion
1 ounce (oz) = 28.3495 gm
I pound (lb) = 0.454 kg
1 Tola = 11.6638 gm
1 Chhatak = 58.319 gm
1 maund (40 sers) = 37.3242 kg or 0.37 quintal
1 metric ton = = 100 kg
I quintal = 100 kg or 2.679 mounds
3) Length: it’s unit and conversion
1 foot = 12 inches
1 yard = 3 feet or 0.9 metre
I inch = 2.54 centimetre (cm) or 25.40 millimeter
1 feet = 30.48 centrimetre (cm)
I metre = = 39.3701 inches
1 kilometre = 1093.61 yard or 0.62137 mile
1 sq. cm = 0.155 sq. inch
1sq ft = 92.903 sq cm
1sq ft = 92.903 sq cm
1 sq.ft = 0.48 sq. metre.
4) Liquid: it’s unit and conversion
1 gallon = 4.593
1 liter = 0.22 gallon
1 Kerosin Tin = 18 Litre
5) Weight per acre into kilogram per hectare
1 maund per acre = 0.9223 kg per hectare
I pound per acre == 1.1209 kg per hectare
1 ounce per acre = 70.05 gm per hectare
1 Cwt per acre = 125.6 kg per hectare
1 Cwt per acre = 125.6 kg per hectare