Thursday, February 6, 2025

Units of Agricultural Measurements – Which Are Most Commonly Used in India

Units of Agricultural  Measurements  Which Are  Most commonly Used in India

Units of Agricultural  Measurements  Which Are  Most commonly Used in India 

 1) Land measurement;

A) Globally accepted land measurement units 

 Square feet (sq ft) It is the most commonly used unit of measurement in countries like India, the US, Canada & the UK. 
1 sq foot = 0.990304 sq meters

Square Yard = Used in USA , Canada, & the UK
1Square Yard = 0.91 meters
1 Square yard = 9 feet
1 Acre = 4840 square yards

B) Land and its measurement in India ;

  I Bigha = 20 katha 
 1 Bigha  = 33 cent (40 cent in some area)
 1 Acre   = 3 bigha or 2.5 bigha 
 1 Acre  = 100 cent or 43560 Sq ft, or 0.40 ha 
 1 Hectare  =  2.471 acre or 10,000 sq. metre.

C) Land Measurement units used in North- East India

Dhur; Unit of measurements is used in Tripura, Jharkhand, Bihar & UP 
 Dhur = 36 Sq ft ( Bihar & Jharkhand )
1Dhur = 68 Sq ft ( Assam, W.Bengal, MP)
1 Kattha =2880 sq ft (  Assam )
1 Kattha = 720 Sq ft ( west Bengal )
1 Kattha =1361 sq ft ( Bihar )
1 Kattha = 20 Dhur ( Bihar )
1Chatak = 180 sq ft ( West Bengal )
1 Lecha = 144 sq ft ( Assam)

D) Land Measurement units used in North India

Bigha = Used in Bihar, Punjab, Haryana, UP, MP, Assam, West Bengal, Himachal Pradesh, Uttrakhand the values vary not only between the state but it may vary with in-state also.
Biswa = Used in UP,Punjab , Haryana , HP & UK
1Biswa =  it varies between 50 to 150 sq yards
Biswani = Used in UP,Punjab , Haryana , HP & UK
1 Biswani = 20 Biswa
Killa = Used in Punjab and Haryana 
1 Killa = 1 acre of land
Kanal = Used in  used in J & K, Punjab , Haryana, HP
8 Kanal =  1 acre of land
Ghumao Used in  used in Punjab, Haryana , HP
1 Ghumao  = 1 acre of land 
Marla = used in Punjab and Haryana 
1 Marla = 272.25 square ft

E)  Land Measurement units used in South India

AnkanamUsed in AP and Karnatka
1 Ankanam = 72 Sq ft
Guntha = Used in AP , Mahrashtra ,karnataka
1 Ghunta = 1089 sq ft
Kuncham = Used in AP
1 Kuncham = 484 sq ft
Ground = Used in Tamil Nadu
1Ground = 2400 sq fts
Cent = used in Kerla , karnatka , Tamil Nadu
1 Cent = 435.6 sq fts

2) Weight: its units and conversion

 1 ounce (oz) = 28.3495 gm 
 I pound (lb) = 0.454 kg
 1 Tola  = 11.6638 gm
 1 Chhatak  = 58.319 gm 
 1 maund (40 sers) = 37.3242 kg or 0.37 quintal 
 1 metric ton = = 100 kg 
 I quintal = 100 kg or 2.679 mounds 

3) Length: it’s unit and conversion 

1 foot =  12 inches 
1 yard  = 3 feet or 0.9 metre
I inch =  2.54 centimetre (cm)  or 25.40 millimeter
1 feet = 30.48 centrimetre (cm)
I metre = = 39.3701 inches 
1 kilometre = 1093.61 yard or 0.62137 mile 
1 sq. cm  = 0.155 sq. inch
1sq ft =   92.903 sq cm 
1 sq.ft = 0.48 sq. metre. 

4) Liquid: it’s unit and conversion

  1 gallon = 4.593 
  1  liter = 0.22 gallon 
  1 Kerosin Tin = 18 Litre

5) Weight per acre into kilogram per hectare 

 1 maund per acre = 0.9223 kg per hectare
 I pound per acre == 1.1209 kg per hectare  
 1 ounce per acre = 70.05 gm per hectare
1 Cwt per acre = 125.6 kg per hectare 

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