Saturday, January 18, 2025
Vegetable Crops

Cultivation of French Bean (Kidney Bean) in India ; A Full Information Guide

Cultivation of French Bean (Kidney Bean) in India ; A Full Information Guide

French Bean or Kidney Bean(Phaseolus Vulgeris L. )belongs to the family Leguminosae French bean is valued as a vegetable and seed. It is extensively grown as a green vegetable, Shelled green beans, and Dry beans ( Rajmah). French beans have higher-yielding potential in comparison to gram and pea crops. It can be cultivated around the year if irrigation is available during the dry spell. French bean is a shorter period crop and farmer can earn profit in very less period of time 
The French bean is probably a native of South and Central America and undoubtedly is of ancient origin. Spanish explorers were perhaps the first to introduce it into Europe and from Europe, it spread to Africa, the East Indies. India and other parts of the world. 
Common Names; Kidney bean, Common bean, Snap bean, and French bean
Nutritive Value of French Beans ;
The nutritive value of french bean in 100 gm of the edible portion is given below;






91.4 gms

Vitamin A

221 IU


1.7  gms


0.06 mg


0.1  gms

Vitamin C

14 mg


1.8 gms


13.2 mg


4.5  gms


50 mg


0.5   gms


20 mg


28.00 mg


0.06 mg


4.3   gms


120  mg




37 mg


0.21 mg

Nicotinic Acid

0.08 mg

Soil and its preparation for French Bean Cultivation;
French bean can be grown practically in almost all types of soil from light sandy soil to heavy clay soils. The optimum soil pH for getting good crops is 5.3 to 6.0.  French beans can not withstand under the high acidic and alkaline soils  The land is prepared thoroughly by 5-6 ploughings  followed by planking 
Climate Requirement for French Bean Cultivation ;
Kidney bean is a day-neutral crop. It is very sensitive to high temperatures and frost. A soil temperature of approximately 32.2°C (90°F) is essential for maximum vegetative growth.
Varieties of French Bean;
There are numerous varieties of French beans and they can be classified according to their habit into bush and pole beans.
(a) Bush bean variety.
Contender, Pusa Parbati, Giant stringless. Tendergreen, Arka Komal, Jampa, Bountiful, Herbster, Prider, Top crop, Sel-2, Sel-3, Sel-9, IIHR 434, Pant Anupma, etc.

b) Pole Bean Variety; 
Kentucky, Wonder, Premier, Bayabrown Sweedish, VPF-191, RCMFB-1 Etc.

Sowing of Seed in French Bean Cultivation;

(a) Time of sowing. The seed is sown in June July and January in the plains and from March to the beginning of May in the hills.
(b) Seed rate. The seed rate is 10-12 kg per acre for dwarf beans and 6-8 kg per acre seed required for pole bean
(c) Method of sowing. The seeds may be sown by dibbling, drilling, and broadcasting at a depth of 2.0 to 3.0 cm. For Bush or Dwarf beans the Row-Row spacing of 45 x 50 cm and plant -plant 10 cms gave the highest yield. The pole type beans should be sown at 60 cms. x 10-12 cms The seeds should be inoculated with rhizobial culture before sowing. 

Apply the 6-8 tonnes FYM and 18 kg of Nitrogen 24 kg of Phosphorus and 24 kg of Potassium per acre to increase the yield of beans. 
Staking ;

Pole type cultivars of French bean grow well on a support made of cane frames. They are also supported by erecting wooden poles connected with strings.

Intercultural Operations
Shallow cultivation is given to keep the crop free from weeds. Herbicides such as Dinitromaterials @ 2-3 kg per acre and the sodium salt of Pentachlorophenol @ 6 kg per acre as pre-emergence treatment have been sound effects in controlling the weeds.
The soil must have sufficient moisture. Irrigation should be given just prior to blooming, during flowering and pod development stage. 
The green pods become ready for harvesting after 45 to 75 days of sowing according to the variety and they should be picked as and when they are ready. The dry beans are harvested when a large percentage of pods are fully ripe and most of the remainder have turned yellow. Harvesting should be started before the lower pods dry enough to shed  
The yield of green pods in the bush varieties may vary from 1200 – 1600 kg and the pole varieties from 3000-4000 kg per acre. The yield of dry bean or bean seeds varies from 500 to 700 kg per acre. 
Further, Explore ;

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