Saturday, January 18, 2025
Leafy VegetableVegetable Crops

Spinach ( Palak ) Farming in India; A complete Information Guide

Spinach (  Palak ) Farming in India ; A complete Information Guide

Spinach (  Palak ) Farming in India; A Complete Information Guide;

Introduction to Spinach (Palak) Farming

Indian Spinach or Palak (Basella rubra or B. alba L.) belongs to the family Basellaceae. Palak is a perennial common leafy vegetable throughout India. The plant has fleshy stems and leaves and is of a trailing and climbing habit. The tender stems and leaves of this crop may make wholesome 

Nutritive Values of Spinach or Palak ;

Nutrient content in 100 gms of spinach or Palak leaves   are given below ;   








2.9 g


0.4 g


0.9 g


2.2 g


3.6 g




99 mg


49 mg


2.71 mg

Vitamin A

9377 IU


558 mg

Vitamin C

28 mg


79 mg


Climate Requirement for Spinach or Palak Cultivation ;

It grows well in a warm and humid climate. Occasional rainfall is beneficial for this crop.

Soil & its Preparation in Spinach or Palak Cultivation;

It does well in loam and heavy loam soil. Avoid acidic and waterlogged soils for spinach cultivation. the pH of the soil should be in the range of 6 to 7. Spinach is grown as a pure crop or a companion crop of edible arum.
The land should be prepared thoroughly by ploughing 2 to 3 times and then leveling by planking. The beds and furrow are made before sowing in the field.
Spinach (  Palak ) Farming in India ; A complete Information Guide

Important Varieties of Indian Spinach or Palak ;

All green, Pusa Jyoti, Pusa Bharti, Pusa Harit, and Jobner Green

Sowing of Spinach or Palak Seeds;

(a) Sowing time. The seed is sown from the middle of January to the middle of March for the summer crops and from the middle of April to the middle of June for the rainy season crop. But it can be cultivated throughout the year.
(b) Seed rate. The seed rate is 2.00 kg per acre.
(c) Method of sowing. It is generally propagated through seeds. The seeds are sown by broadcasting for the early crop. But for the main crop, the seed is sown by dibbling method at a spacing of 15 cm (row to row) x 60 cm (plant to plant). It may also be propagated by root or stem cutting. 

Manuring in Spinach Crop;

The manurial schedule is 20 to 25 Cartloads of Compost or F.Y.M, 50 kg urea, 30 kg Superphosphate and 30 kg Muriate of Potash per acre and these should be applied with the last preparatory tillage. 30 kg urea is applied as a top dressing after two weeks of sowing.

Aftercare of Spinach Crop;

One or two weedings is given during the early stages of growth. Stalking is beneficial for this crop. Irrigation is given as and when needed.

Harvesting of Spinach Crop

The crop becomes ready for harvesting after 6 to 7 weeks of sowing Crops are harvested at an interval of 10 to 15 days.

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