Thursday, February 6, 2025
Leafy VegetableVegetable Crops

Kulfa or Purslane Cultivation; A complete information Guide


Kulfa or Purslane Farming; A Complete Guide of Information;

Kulfa or Purslane Cultivation; A complete information Guide
Kulfa or Purslane (Portulaca oleracea L ) belongs to the family  Portulaceae. Kulla is one of the summer season’s leafy vegetables. It is cultivated in North India on a large scale. It grows wild in summer. It is to some extent in our Country. The succulent branches are used as a vegetable.
Common Names of Kulfa or Purslane ;


Local Names


Malbhog khutura,Malbhog-sak,Hah thegia,Malbhog xak,Nunia-sak,Noniya,KhuturaBeng


নূনিযা সাগ Nunia Sag




Badi-noni, Khursa,Lunia लूनिया


Dudagorai, Doodagooni Soopu




লৈবাক কুন্দো Leibak Kundo


Lonica, Brihalloni, Lonamala


Karpakantakkirai, Saagaipoondu, புருப்புக்கீரை Paruppu Keerai ,azhukkaikeerai, Karpakantam, Vellai Chaaruvaelai,Pasalekeerai


Peddhapayilikura, Gangapavilikura


Kurfah, Mhotighol,Bhuigol


Verdolaga,Pigweed, Little Hogweed, Goni Soppu, Pusley, Green Purslane, Common Purslane

Nurative Value of Kulfa or Purslane;

Nutrient content in 100 gms of Kulfa or Purslane leaves is given below ;






       92.86 g

Vitamin C

 21 mg


     3.39 g

Vitamin E

12.2 mg


     0.6 g


65 mg


      0.36 g


1.99 mg


      2.03 g


44 mg


     20 Kcal


494 mg

Vitamin A

     1320 IU


68 mg


10 most Important Medicinal Uses of Kulfa or Purslane;

1) Kulfa or Purslane leaves and plant juice is very effective in Curing several skin diseases and insect stings.
2) Kulfa or Purslane leaves tea is very effective
in the treatment of stomach aches and headaches.
3) Kulfa or Purslaneplant is used for Iron deficiency and skin allergy
4) It has significant liver protective and regenerative
5 ) it can be used in the treatment of the liver
disorders like the liver, dysfunction, viral hepatitis, and
alcoholic liver disorders.
6) Seeds powder of kulfa or purslane is tonic and it helps in expelling intestinal worms.
7) Bruised leaves are used topically for erysipelas, burns, and swellings.
8) Its leaves are applied to burns.
9) It is a rich source of pre-vitamin A, and vitamins C and E, as well as omega-3 fatty acids.
10) It is also a good substitute for okra as a thickener in soups. Seed powder can be mixed with cereals for use in gruels, bread, and pancakes.

Climatic Requirement for Kulfa or Purslane Cultivation ;

it is a summer season vegetable. It requires hot weather and sun presence for 6 to 8 hrs Temperatures above 21-degree Celsius are best for its cultivation But it also gives the best result temperature above the 37-degree Celsius 

Soil & its Preparation for Kulfa or Purslane Cultivation ;

It does well in loam and heavy loam soils with a pH range between 5.5 to 7.5. The soil should be loose, friable, and of fine tilth. Five to six ploughings are sufficient to get this condition.

Sowing of Kulfa or Purslane seeds;

(a) Sowing time. The seed is sown from February to March in Northern India and in January-February in Southern India
(b) Seed rate. The seed rate is 400 to 600 gm per acre.
(c) Method of sowing. The seed is generally sown by the broadcasting method. It may also be sown in line at 15 to 22.5 cm distance. Line sown crop gives higher yield. 

Manuring  Requirement in  Kulfa or Purslane Crop;

The manurial schedule is 20 to 25 Cartloads of Compost or F.Y.M., 50 kg urea, 30 kg Superphosphate, and 30 kg Muriate of Potash per acre and these should be applied with the last preparatory tillage. 30 kg urea is applied as a top dressing after two weeks of sowing.

Irrigation Requirement in  Kulfa or Purslane Crop;

The first irrigation is given just after sowing and subsequent irrigations are given at an interval of 10 to 15 days. Irrigation should be given after every cutting.

Harvesting of Kulfa or Purslane Crop;

The crop becomes ready for harvesting from February to May. The first cutting is done after 4 to 5 weeks of sowing and subsequent two to three cuttings are done at the fortnightly interval. Harvesting Kulfa or purslane should be done before it develops flowers. It should be considered that while harvesting purslane ‘is the malic acid content of the plant, which is higher in the morning than at night thus making it tarter’. Few people will preference of choice this, while others may find they enjoy purslane harvested in the evening

The yield of Kulfa or Purslane Crop;

The yield is 5600 kg per acre.

Further, Read;

Cultivation of Lettuce in India

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